Domestic & Family Violence Training

Domestic and family violence (DFV) is a common and preventable issue across Australia. We all play an important role in understanding the complexities of this issueand being able to respond in a caring and empathetic way to provide support to thosepeople affected by DFV.

Our training is organised across three key foundations. This enables participants to be able to build upon their foundational knowledge to begin to develop their confidence in understanding situations of domestic and family violence, completing risk assessments and developing safety plans.


Level 1 – Caring Foundations

Caring Foundations will enable your team to be able to develop their knowledge regarding DFV, identify and support those affected by DFV and understand thegendered drivers which perpetuate DFV within our communities.

Suitable for up to 20 staff 3 hours.


Level 2 – Collective Response

Collective Response builds upon the foundational knowledge of DFV to enable yourteam to understand the impact of DFV upon individuals, children and families and apply this knowledge to develop safety plans and risk assessments.

Suitable for up to 20 staff 3 hours


Level 3 – Caring Communities

Caring Communities encourages your team to create change through being an active bystander and addressing the gendered attitudes and norms that underpin and perpetuate DFV within our communities.
Within this training your team will be able to apply their knowledge to situations where they need to be active bystanders and will leave your staff with the confidence to intervene directly or indirectly as bystanders.

Suitable for up to 20 staff 3 hours

Foster & Kinship Carer Assessments - Collective Caring
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