How can we help?

Foster & Kinship Carer Assessments
General Foster Care Initial Assessments
General Foster Care Renewal of Assessments
Kinship Care Initial Assessments
Kinship Care Renewal of Assessments
Suitability Assessments
Quality Care Training
This training is delivered by an experienced and passionate facilitator who utilises adult learning pedagogies to create an engaging and interactive training session.
This training can be delivered virtually which allows for carers from across the State to be able to attend without having to organise child minding or time off work to attend. The virtual mode of delivery also allows for our rural and remote families to be able to attend.
Collective Caring can also provide the Quality Care Training face to face – either within potential carer homes or onsite.
Standard Training:

Additional Learning & Development
Understanding prenatal trauma that occurs with Domestic and Family Violence
Understanding the nature of Domestic and Family Violence in relationships
Creating Resilient Workplaces
Working Collectively- how the team can thrive
Understanding the impacts of Trauma and Attachment for children and young people
Supervision & Support
One-on-one supervision, reflective practice and challenge exploration
Peer supervision, complex case facilitation and reflection
Professional Supervision and Social Work practice
Residential Service support, guidance and peer reflection
Critical Incident debriefing